- I posted this to Instagram, Twitter and my Poonapalooza Facebook page. I'm taking a social media break. To be honest, I've no idea when I'll be back. And I'm not 100% sure that I will write here again. Over the past few months I've had some negativity towards my blog via mostly anonymous comments that never make it past my eyes. I've been called narcissistic, vain, uncaring, the usual stuff. And it gets to me much less than it used to. I accidentally deleted 4 comments I received earlier this week. One of them asked me what happened to me and said I've likely lost a lot of readers because of the direction my blog has gone (being vain with all the selfies). I appreciate my readers, especially the one's that have hung around for the long haul. But I've never written this blog for them.
- My blog has always been written for me. I started it 4 years ago to keep myself accountable during my weight loss. And although the focus changed after I went on maintenance, I still wrote because chronicling how much work maintenance is was important to me. Everyone focuses on the weight loss portion of lifestyle change, but no one wants to know what is involved with maintaining the weight loss. That is the most important part. Everyone has this skewed idea about how life will be perfect once the weight is off. It doesn't work that way. I had that same fantasy in my head. I wasn't prepared for the major self esteem issues or the on going planning and effort that came with maintenance.
- I take a lot of pictures of myself. And I do that for me. No one else. The truth is, I've never paid any mind to how many followers I have. I've gotten quite a bit of media exposure over the past few years. And with that comes offers from companies to promote products in exchange for more exposure and financial gain. I have never accepted any offer that has come my way. I have always wanted to keep the integrity of my blog. I lost the weight through diet (Dr. Poon's Metabolic Diet) and exercise. That's all I would ever promote on here. I don't care to mislead anyone by shilling diet products that I have never used to make money. So the fact that my blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has stayed at a relatively small following is perfectly fine by me. I have never called myself an inspiration or tried to market myself as one.
- I am flattered that some people are motivated by my weight loss success. But I am no one special. I am just a woman who has lost weight and continues the daily struggle to keep it off. Many share my story. The person you should find inspiration in is yourself. That's why I photograph myself. I am inspired by my achievements over the last 4 years and seeing myself as I am now, inspires me to keep moving forward. Because the day I stop photographing myself and being proud of the way I look, is the day that I have fallen back into my old habits. And that would also be the day I put my health and fitness on the back burner. My ultimate goal is to never see that day again.
- I am a genuinely nice and caring person. I work in a field where all I do is care for others and part of the reason I'm unplugging right now is because I need to find balance in my family, work and personal life. Sometimes it all becomes overwhelming. I may not respond to every comment posted because keeping up with 4 forms of social media while working full time and commuting and mothering can be daunting. But I do respond to each and every email I receive (I try to respond within a week of receiving it). I even respond to the negative ones that attack me. And even those I respond to in a respectful manner.
- I will not shut this blog down, and I may return to it. Or I may start an entirely new blog once I start boxing training which would focus on that part of my life. Who knows? I've some planning and soul searching to do. Whatever I plan to do, I will be writing for me again. You are more than welcome to come along for the ride though. Peace out:-)
I run, I strength train, I practice yoga, I cycle, I eat clean and I enjoy wine time. I underwent brachioplasty (upper arm lift) and upper, outer thigh liposuction on 22/09/15. Lover of humor; the good, the bad and the dirty kind. Was able to finally get my weight under control and I'm half my size from my highest weight. In my 3rd year of maintenance. First Nation Canadian. My son is my heart. This is my life in selfies...
My weight loss story
Friday, November 20, 2015
The post about unplugging...
Friday, November 13, 2015
The post about lifting my own body weight, being unrecognizable and I did not forget...
- Meanwhile, Monday on Instagram...
- It's coffee time and it's fecken freezing out. Minus 2C with the windchill. I don't have a winter coat. Something I have to remedy very soon. That and new snow tires. This morning it hurt to get out of bed. The abs got worked hard yesterday. I dream of a hard stomach. I don't need a 6 pack, or even a 4 pack. Just a hard, flat surface would be nice. My stomach, although somewhat flat, is soft. I'm not complaining though. I spent my life hating my abdomen.
- My stomach and my arms were my most hated body parts and the two areas I tried hardest to cover up. I still cover up my stomach. I'm not gonna lie. I filtered this photo because it was so white it was blinding. My stomach never sees the light of day. But maybe with consistent hard work over the next year, it'll get some muscle. And with muscle will come confidence. And with confidence I'll still keep it covered because I'm 45 years old for Pete sake! Haha! I shit you. If you've got it (confidence) flaunt it, no matter what your age or size:-) Happy Monday!
- Meanwhile, Tuesday on Instagram...
- It's coffee time and who lifted their body weight on the trap bar this morning? This girl did. And let me just say, I'm fecken heavy! My personal best. And I was able to do 10 reps. Next week we up the weight and do less reps. I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty damn proud of myself.
- Tony also put me in the leg press which looks like a medieval torture machine if you ask me. He gets me to warm up with 90 pounds then says he's adding 90 more. Whoa! Wait! What? That's quite the jump I yell at him. He says, "Leigh, you just trapped 165, you can press 180". And he was right. I actually ended up pressing 200.
- And the weighted vest:-( Wearing that while doing walking lunges and back extensions is no joke yo. The vest weights 45 pounds and he had me carry 2x10 pound dumbbells. I hate him. Not true. I love my trainer. He challenges me and makes me work hard. I'm feeling super fatigued and I was starving by the time I got home. I ate all the protein and now I'm getting ready for my work day. I've a few reports to write, then I'm heading to Toronto for a dinner meeting. Have an awesome day everyone:-)
- It's transformation Tuesday and I often forget how different my face looks from 4 years ago. When I was at an all day workshop for work last week, I sat at a table with a woman I've known for years. I work for a fairly big organization and we do not work out of the same office. But I see her once in a while. I greeted her warmly and she smile and nodded. I could see the disconnect right away. I wrote my name on the tags provided and the workshop began.
- At the break she said, "Leigh, the last training we attended together was in Hamilton at that yacht club". I told her I remembered. They served lunch and the view of Hamilton harbor was nice. Then she said, that it was five years ago. I replied, "That long ago? That's the last time I saw you?". She said it was, then leaned over and whispered, "I didn't recognize you. You look wonderful". And here I thought she was pissed at me. I always forget that I look different and people that have known me for 15 years will walk right past me without any recognition. I always love seeing the look on their faces when I stop them to talk and they realize it's me...
- Meanwhile, Wednesday on Instagram...
- It is coffee time and today we remember...
- #LestWeForget
- #RememberThem
- #11days11ways
- #RemembranceDay2015
- It was a long day and all I really want to do is go to bed. I've an early morning training session. I'll be up at 4:30 and at the gym by 5:30. After I do HIIT, it's upper body which means shoulders and back. And core. He'll make me do core. And all the pull ups and push ups. Hate them both.
- Today I felt geriatric. After my personal best on the trap bar yesterday I was strutting around like I was tough shit. Today I could barely make it out of bed. My hamstrings, quads and ass are so sore. I was all like, "I'm gonna run Wednesday morning". I can't even comfortably get in and out of my car. I'm too delicate for this shit. Why? Why do I torture myself like this? Goals. That's why...
Monday, November 9, 2015
The post about motivation, Remembrance Sunday and selfie rehab?
- Meanwhile, Saturday on Instagram...
- Holy Hannah! I spent way too long on this coffee time pic and I'm still not happy with it. But I'm letting it go. I've lots of training to do this morning. The gym awaits me. My arms are still sore from my workout on Thursday, but I promised Tony I'd work my arms this weekend. So I will. And what I've learned is that you just work through the aches and it eventually gets better. So it's almost time to embarrass myself by the free weights this morning. That's after I do HIIT and work my glutes and abs of course. And the push ups and pull ups. My absolute favorite:-(
- I had a solid 1.5 hour workout. I did all of the things I hate the most. Arms, core, the push ups and pull ups. And let's not forget HIIT. I begin each workout with HIIT and I honestly hate it the most. But it's necessary.
- One of the most asked questions I get via my blog is where I find my motivation from. Goals. That's my short answer. Here's my long answer. When I weighed 300+ pounds, it was a struggle to move. Walking up stairs was painful. I was basically sedentary. My first goal was to complete the Learn to Run clinic through the Running Room. When I was successful completing that goal, I went to the next clinic, then the next. Within a year of learning how to run, I ran my first 1/2 marathon. I ran for over 3 years before I felt I the need to be challenged further. Enter strength training and boxing.
- The boxing scares the crap outta me. That's why I'm doing it. It has taken me over 3 years to get as strong as I am now. It will take me another year and then some to be boxing ready. And I welcome the challenge. It keeps things interesting. After spending my life barely being able to move to being able to do what I can now is my motivation. My sense of accomplishment is what makes my determination game so strong. And if I can achieve everything that I have in the past 4 years, imagine what you can do with a little motivation of your own...
Draw me like one of your French girls...
- My mime game was strong today! But I am 50% French Canadian for realz. True story! Wine time had a theme tonight. The French connection:-) Today was a huge write off. No one left the house except for me this morning when I ventured to the gym.
- I share a lot about my life on social media. I'm fairly open with my journey and my struggles with my weight issues throughout my life. But there are certain parts of my life that are off limits. Like my personal life and my family. I share some things but not everything. I like to keep my career separate and don't post too much about my family. That's done on purpose. When I get messages and comments that ask very personal questions, you shouldn't expect a response. I'm an open book when it comes to weight loss and maintenance. That's why I keep a fitness Instagram and write a blog. My weight loss experience is always something I'll talk openly about. But don't ask me personal questions. If I don't talk about it on here, it's not open for discussion. I'm nobody. Why my personal life is so intriguing to complete strangers is beyond me...
- Meanwhile, Sunday on Instagram...
- It's coffee time and it's Remembrance Sunday. It is observed in the UK and British Commonwealth countries, which includes Canada. Today services all over the country are held to commemorate the contribution and sacrifice of the men and women who served in the two World Wars and later conflicts. A day of reflection for all of us to be thankful for the freedoms that were fought for us. Much of it done before I was even born.
- I saw a fact on Twitter about the Korean War. More than 26,000 Canadians served and 516 died. My uncle Anthony (father's brother) died in Korea. He was barely 20. There are few pictures of him but he looked like my dad. All my dad's brothers looked alike. And they all served (either in the 2nd World War or in Korea). My uncle Anthony making the ultimate sacrifice.
- My father couldn't serve in Korea because his education wasn't high enough. He tried to enlist with Anthony. My father left school as a young boy to work and help support his family. He's not got a grade 6 education. Having to do that at such a young age was something I never knew and something my son would never know thanks to the sacrifices made by the courageous men and women who fought for this country...
- HIIT is the devil. It's a fact. No better way to sweat like hell. Good workout this morning. My focus was glutes, shoulders and abs. My arms were still sore from yesterday. I think I did good. It hurts to laugh. So I declare today No Laugh Sunday. You may smile excessively though.
- You know you worked hard when you're doing the back extension machine and every time you swing upwards sweat flies off your face. I'm so sexy at the gym that the hot men with beards can't contain themselves. That is not a fact. That's totally fictitious. But there are bearded hot guys a plenty at the gym right now. Movember rocks! I just ate all the protein. Now I should change out of my sweat dried gym clothes and get on with my day. I've shopping, laundry and chicken soup to make. Julien's favorite...
- The pic on the left is from yesterday. I attempted to take a cute post-shower selfie with Smitty. All that happened was she clawed the shit out of me as she tried to escape my love. Selfie fail:-( Today I selfied a few times. Coffee time, post gym, and a Sunday selfie on twitter. I wasn't feeling like doing a wine time selfie at all. Off my game you say? Entirely possible. I announced I wasn't feeling it and I got an outpouring of concern and selfie requests. To be honest, I got only one request, the other inquiries were to ask about my mental health status. Meh, I took the one request and rolled with it.
- This morning I deleted 1800+ photos off my phone. Anxiety causing and freeing all at once. It was my first step in selfie whore rehabilitation. Truth be told, if you spent your entire life looking like I used to, you'd selfie your ass off too. Why I let the opinions of strangers get to me is still a mystery. Please don't try to make me feel bad for enjoying my pictures. There's an unfollow button for a reason. Exercise your right to do so. Long live the selfie!!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2015
The post about HOPE, a visit with my mom and my arm progress...
- Meanwhile, Wednesday on Instagram...
- It's coffee time and does this angle make me look like I have curves like Jessica Rabbit? Because I don't! I do like this picture though because it shows my right oblique and my left upper inner thigh leg muscle. And it highlights my HOPE Stella and Dot necklace which benefits women's cancer research. And it's on sale right now.
- Today promises to be a busy day. I've an early morning meeting that should last till lunchtime, then a lunchtime meeting that could last a couple hours as well. There's always paper work to do and after work is my dad time. Today I go with my father to pick up his new specks. And we're having dinner together. I'm hoping to get home by 8pm so I can hang with Jules for an hour before bed. It's super early to bed for me tonight. I'm bagged and I've training early tomorrow morning. Happy hump day everyone!
- This is my current situation. I'm literally falling asleep at my desk. I'm feeling bagged and I'm having a rare afternoon coffee. Today I was going to start a 2 week spell of protein and veggies. Just because I've not been feeling great. My digestion has been off. But this morning I show up for team meeting and there is celebratory fruit, nuts and cake in acknowledgement of years of service for 4 of us that were being recognized this year. I was one of the four. I celebrated 15 years on November 1st. So I ate nuts and fruit all day. Tomorrow is my new start day for protein and veggies (and wine on weekends:-). No more excuses! Although I feel blah, my non-lycra skinny jeans are falling down. And I was trying to convince myself that my hard abdomen was my abs finally coming in. On reflection, it's probably just gas...
- Meanwhile, Thursday on Instagram...
- Feeling so incredibly bagged this morning. Vivid dreams of my mom made me wake with a start and left me feeling sad and alone. She was at the house I grew up in (and where my dad still lives). We were talking about current events and she kept saying she had to go. I begged her not to because I knew I wouldn't see her again. And I asked to come with her but she told me it wasn't my time yet. Then I woke up. I don't feel like I've slept at all.
- Anyway, I'm on my way to the gym in 5 mins. It's upper body today. But first I must do HIIT. After that I'm at an all day workshop at the office. I am not sure I'll stay awake. I may need mid-day coffee again...
- Meanwhile, Friday on Instagram...
- It's coffee time and you know when you feel like you've got nothing left to give? That was me yesterday. I took a little social media break. Today is a new day and I'm feeling much better. Sometimes you just need to unplug. The only things I enjoyed yesterday was my training session with Tony and seeing Julien when I got home from work. It was so beautiful outside yesterday, and a dark cloud hovered over me all day long. I didn't even get outside to enjoy the weather. Only to get in and out of my car. But today is a new start. And it's Friday. Not sure if I'll have anything prolific to share today, but I'm here...
- It's flex Friday and I know I've nothing to flex, but humor me. I'm quite happy with how my arms are coming along. And I'm only 6 weeks post-op. There's still a bit of swelling, but it's minimal now. And I have to remember that they aren't going to look like they should for another 2-4 months. Something that I'm beginning to love is my scar. On my left arm only. My right arm is more wonky and uneven. That will be the arm that gets tattooed. And just in case anyone doubts how huge my ass and legs are. There's the proof. This could be a Flash Back Friday post too for Thick Thigh Thursday...
- My day in a nutshell. I spent a lot of it in my car. I had an appointment in Listowel. My hamstring aches as does my bum. Leg day was Tuesday! But the old injury acts up when I sit for a long time. My arms also hurt. Upper body was yesterday. I'm nothing but a fecken mess. And I get to torture myself more at the gym tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
- The top left pic was my breakfast today. The top right was my lunch. I replaced my poppy today. I keep losing them. I need to use a rubber earring backer. I've one in my jewelry box if I can remember to get it. And when I got home I observed wine time without much dinner. I did have cantaloupe. That totally counts. It's 8pm and I'm going to bed. Sad you say? Yep. I know how to party like it's 1899...
Thursday, November 5, 2015
The post about a really long post...
- Meanwhile, Sunday on Instagram...
- It's coffee time and I mustache you a question. Who is going to observe Movember? I'm not drunk I promise. Found this on my dining room table this morning and couldn't resist. Not sure if I can pull the stash off but Movember is a good cause.
- I slept long and deep last night. That's what 3 glasses of wine will do to you. I feel chipper and energized and ready for the gym later this morning. Today I'm going to see if my girlfriend Elin is available for a visit. I've not seen her in a while. And I'm going to do a mini grocery shop and finish the laundry. Yesterday I washed every piece of bedding in the house. Including duvets. I know, such a fun and exciting life I lead. Can't wait for today's chores...
- Good workout this morning. Made me tired. After every session I have with Tony, he asks how I feel. The correct answer is fatigued. Not sore, but exhausted is good. I rocked the under boob sweat like a boss. Did all the things I hated most including push-ups and ring pulls. And worked my glutes. My bum feels broken right now. I worked hard enough to earn me another coffee. And I ate as soon as I got home. Not sure why, but a perfect avocado makes me happy. It was delicious.
- I overheard a conversation while I was doing HIIT. A couple were discussing their weight. They weighed themselves several times a day and the woman was stressing over a 2 pound gain over the summer (Which I'm not judging. She could be a fitness competitor or something. She was ripped). My weighing game is weak. The last time I weighed myself was just before the orientation for the Fight to End Cancer over a month ago so I could give my accurate weight for opponent match up.
- I gave up weighing myself a long time ago. I only do it if my pants get snug so I know how long I have to lay off the fruit, nuts and wine. When I was losing weight it became an unhealthy obsession for me. I've been on maintenance for almost 3 years and I've probably weighed myself a dozen times give or take. It's funny how well I know my body now. I can feel when things are off right away. For me, the best thing I ever did was ditch my scale. But that's gonna change soon.
- Tony thinks I should watch my weight and measurements to see how my body is going to change with strength/boxing training. He says things will change quickly once I begin boxing. So that will be a goal in the New Year. To step out of my comfort zone and start weighing and measuring myself. I'm not gonna lie. I am excited to see what will happen over the next year...
- The last word today is with Smitty. Haven't shown my scar in a while. There you have it. It's not looking too bad. It's slightly raised and hard, but it's getting easier for me to touch. I spent the afternoon at my girlfriend Elin's house. We watched the Ti-Cats vs Redblacks. Sadly Hamilton lost to Ottawa, but it was still a fun time.
- I got into a conversation with Elin's hubby about when I knew that my weight was an issue. I told him that I've known it was an issue since I was a child and I began hoarding and binging on food. I remember sneaking food when I was around 9 or 10. That's probably when my eating got out of control. I hid food and ate in secret. As an adult who works in the social services field with disturbed youth, I understand the reasons behind that behavior now. And when I did it, I knew it was wrong. But it served a purpose in my life at that time. I used food for comfort and that is probably the hardest behavior I've had to let go of.
- Changing the way I thought of food is def one the biggest obstacles I've had to overcome. Food is not a replacement for love. Nor is it my entertainment. I can easily fall back into old behaviors and binge. And I do sometimes. I can mindlessly eat nuts and cheese, because I'm definitely not perfect. But I work on trying to better myself from day to day. That's all I can do.
- I think I have most of this figured out because even though I can overindulge some days, I've got a fairly good handle on maintenance. Things have pretty much stayed the same for 3 years. The biggest difference is that now when I've indulged too many times on nuts, cheese and wine, I pull it back and eat the way I did when I lost weight. A couple weeks of lean protein and veggies grown above ground gets me right back on track. It's easy for me to do because nothing I give up now is as hard as going through processed carb and refined sugar withdrawal again. I'm always asked why I still don't eat them after losing all the weight. Simple answer is I can't limit myself with processed carbs and refined sugar. That's what I used to binge on. I can have none, but I can't have one...
- Meanwhile, Monday on Instagram...
- It's coffee time and I'm feeling like a motivational Monday post is in the cards for today. I'm a pretty solid girl. I'm not small by any standards. Since beginning the gym in June, my clothing size has gone up to a solid 10. There's still some things I can wear in an 8, but they must include lycra. And although I've gotten bigger in my legs and bum, I've gotten smaller in my waist. This has made it exceptionally fun to purchase pants:-( Tony has told me that my shoulders are going to get broader and I'm going to get more of an hour glass shape.
- I mentioned yesterday that I don't weigh myself. Part of that reason is because before I decided to go on maintenance, I was trying to get down to a healthy BMI. It happened for a hot minute. My healthy BMI weight is below 159 pounds. I'm usually anywhere between 165-175 pounds depending on the time of month and how much nuts, fruit and wine I've consumed. But I rarely get below 165.
- So I stopped stressing over the number on the scale and just decided to go by intuition. I definitely need to tone up areas, but I do not think I'm overweight. My body has been examined closely by a plastic surgeon, 2 personal trainers and my physio over the past 5 months and each one says the same thing. That I've nothing left to lose, and I need to build muscle. I've not had a tummy tuck, but I have had an upper arm lift and upper outer thigh liposuction. I'm hoping that my body will get nice and hard with all the training I'm going to be taking on in the new year.
- Do I need a tummy tuck? I could get one if I want a completely flat stomach and tight skin, but I'd not get one right now. I'd need to see what a year of hard work does for me first. Core and upper body will be my focus over the next year. That's what I need strongest for boxing. Regardless, when I'm feeling critical of myself, I like to look at my Instagram and remind myself that I used to weigh over 300 pounds. Because although I'm happy to share my photos with you, I really take all of these pictures for me...
- Meanwhile, Tuesday on Instagram...
- The first rule of Fight Club is:
- You do not talk about Fight Club.
- The second rule of Fight Club is:
- You do not talk about Fight Club...
- Meh. I'll talk about Fight Club! Was up before dawn to get to the gym where I got to hang with all the boys. This morning I realized that I am the only female among the early morning muscle men. Tuesday is a busy day. There's about 20 of them hanging in the gym. Thursdays are much more sparse. Tony and I even had to wait to do RDL'S (Romanian dead lifts).
- Those boys lift way more than me. But they made a big deal over how great my form is and how far I've come. They're just humoring me. My form sucks! Ask Tony. Even he said my Trap Bar lifts sucked today. It's true. I struggled. I did 3 sets at 145 pounds and 1 set at 155 pounds. But let me tell you. The struggle was REAL!
- And it's funny how much I just don't care about appearances at the gym. Not only am I sweating profusely and breathing heavy, but I'm doing those very loud grunts when I lift. And I swear. A lot. I'm so dainty and lady like. Tony always laughs at my unladylike mannerisms but points out that my nails are always on point...
- On the left I weigh about 300 pounds. On the right, let's say 170. I don't really know to be honest. I don't weigh myself. I'll weigh myself and do measurements in January. That's when Kingsway (boxing training) is gonna start keeping track. It's transformation Tuesday and see? I really do go to the gym. Someone left me an anonymous comment on my blog that said I never post gym pics of me working out and questioned if I actually did go.
- Tsk, tsk. There is a time and place for everything. I leave my phone in the car when I'm at the gym. I go there to work. Not to selfie. I know! Did I really say that? Tis true. The only reason I had my phone today was to memo a workout Tony wants me to do on the weekend. Figured I'd take my pic for transformation Tuesday too since there's no shortage of mirrors.
- No one has their phones out at the gym. The location I go to is the satellite location for the bigger gym. Tony told me that all the posers go to the big gym and the serious lifters come to the satellite gym. The gym I go to on the weekend has tons of posers that selfie on the equipment. I'll go to great lengths for a good picture just like the next selfie whore. But I won't do that...
- Had a fun evening in Brantford with my sister and Amy. We celebrated Amy's birthday with wine and grapes and the puppy, Lilith. She's not really a puppy anymore, but she's still adorable. Tons of laughs and silliness was had. Before I went to Brantford, I got my nails manicured. This is the longest I've kept them in a while. How do I lift with these talons? No idea, but I do.
- I noticed lots of Christmas lights out already. I know people get excited about the Christmas season, but I think it's disrespectful to decorate for Christmas before November 11th. From the 1st to the 11th, the poppy should be the focus. Stores shouldn't even be playing Christmas music till then. It's only 11 days. Still not enough time to honor our veterans who served and died for this great country. My uncle Anthony included, who lost his life in the Korean War as a young solider. Although I never knew him, I've known about his sacrifice since I was young. This has always been a time of reflection for my family, namely my father...
Sunday, November 1, 2015
The post about a some hooters and Halloween fun...
- Meanwhile, Friday on Instagram...
- It's #coffeetime and I'd like you to check out my hooters. Best owl socks ever with sticky pads on the bottoms like toddlers have so I don't fall. Only down side is that I can't do the Risky Business slide. This morning I am stiff, stiff, stiff. With a little extra stiff thrown in for good measure. I'm heading to Toronto today for a lunch meeting and a possible swing into the office. I've stuff I should hand in. But it could wait till Monday too. We shall see how my day goes. For sure I'm going to see my dad later. I have to sort his pills for next month. And I haven't seen him for a week. Need to get my dad time in.
- I've thought about training for the next 8 months. I'm definitely going to run the Around the Bay on April 3rd. I'll work out my training schedule to begin in December where I'll be running 3 days a week. The other 3 will be strength and boxing training. I may be biting off a lot here, but I'm sure I'll be fine. My biggest obstacle will be dealing with the Morton's Neuroma when I start running long distance again. I'll probably go back to acupuncture for that. It helped bring me some relief before. Fingers crossed we have a milder winter than last year. Long runs in -25C (-13F) temps are no joke yo!
- Meanwhile, Saturday on Instagram...
- Today, in observance of Halloween, I've a trifecta of costumes to model. This is the first one. I'm a #coffeewhore. Scary? Not unless I don't get my coffee:-) I'm also being a selfie whore and a wineho. Figured I should be the things I know best. In about an hour I should be headed to the gym. Got some HIIT and strength training to get through with core thrown in for good measure. Then I'm doing stuff like cooking, washing bedding and carving a pumpkin. I'll be taking excessive selfies while doing all of this of course. And I'll be drinking wine whilst giving out candy to the neighborhood children. I've a rep to protect. Happy Halloween!!!!
- This morning's workout was cut short by a, um, wardrobe malfunction. Then followed by an impromptu trip to Walmart where I rocked my Walmart shopper costume like a boss. I was still the best dressed one there. Before I had to leave the gym, I was able to do 20 mins of HIIT, back extensions, inverted ab crunches, a leg machine and one of the arm machines. Leaving cut my workout by about 30 minutes. Now I'll have to go tomorrow and Monday too. Wednesday will be my next rest day. Right now I'm doing dishes, laundry and eating nuts. Need to put them away. I'm eating them mindlessly...
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Found the hat while organizing my closet and felt the need to wear it all night... |
- I posted 12 selfies on Twitter tonight. My narcissism game was strong. I was a #selfiewhore for Halloween. It was a resounding success. I selfied like a boss. I took several with my selfie stick to no avail. The best one is on the top right of this collage. Not sure what happened with trick or treaters. Perhaps I bought too much candy. I've lots to dump at work on Monday. Not a morsel passed my lips. I indulged in wine. I was a wineho for Halloween as well. That was also a complete success. Although I look it, I am not drunk in the bottom right photo with Luigi. I couldn't stop laughing when I put that mustache on Julien:-)
- I've been drinking water like a boss for the past hour. I'm thankful for the extra hour of sleep tonight. I'll need it to get my tail shaking for the gym in the morning. Tomorrow I need to work extra hard at the gym to make up for the short visit this morning...
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