Just because...she's real pretty:) |
Yesterday was my rest day and I was stiff and sore all day. My physio appointment went well. By the time I left, I was feeling much better. Much more movement in my hip flexor and no pain in my hamstring. Now they have given me even more exercises to do. Every time I go I get a new exercise and my 15 minutes 2x per day, has turned into 30 minutes 2x per day. I can definitely feel improvement though, so it's worth it.
Just back from my short run this morning. |
This morning I went out for a short run. Well, it was supposed to be a short run. Six kilometers is what I had planned. I met my former Learn to Run student Sher out on the trial near my house. He actually just lives around the corner from me. He hasn't run since before Christmas and wanted to get back into it again so I agreed to run with him. We ran 4x 4:1 intervals at a comfortable pace. When you have such a gap in your running, you need to pretty much start over again. However, if you stick with it, you will regain your running endurance pretty fast. After I ran with Sher, I ran my 6K on the same trail. I ran about 2.5K with Sher and the .5K it takes me to get to the trail, so my short run actually turned into about 9K. S'all good though. I ran pretty leisurely with Sher, and managed a sub 7:00 per kilometer pace on my own which is the fastest I've run by myself for weeks. I didn't want to push too hard. I have my long run tomorrow morning. Eighteen kilometers. You read that right people. I'm running 18K tomorrow!
Real sexy I know. Quad stretch! |
When I got back from my short run, I stretched myself out real good and did my exercises. I didn't get to eat my recovery meal until a good hour after I got back. A little bit too long to wait, but I didn't over exert myself so I wasn't too concerned. I was watching the
Steven and Chris show this morning and there was a fitness expert on the show who was talking about working out and what you should eat after an intense workout. She gave the worst advice I could imagine when she said that you could eat an entire chocolate cake after an intense workout and it wouldn't affect your weight at all. A chocolate cake is just junk. Junk is not going to help you build muscle and effectively replenish your nutrients. Worst advice ever! I cringe to think that some viewers are actually going to listen to that! She did however make a pretty good stir fry with chicken breast, turnip, sweet potato, red cabbage and other yummy veggies. Now that you could eat a whole lot of after an intense workout and it wouldn't affect your weight. I know because I do.
I look different when I lie down. My face looks bigger and dare I say less wrinkly? |
As you know, I'm on Twitter and I still don't really get it. I was hacked a few days into opening my Twitter account and I'm sure I annoyed many of my followers by sending them bogus private messages about "miracle weight-loss secrets". That is so not me. I used to be a believer of a miracle weight-loss solution. I never found it, but I was sure it was out there somewhere! I really just didn't want to put the work and time into losing weight at the time I guess. If you ever get a message from me saying I endorse some sort of weight-loss method, delete it. I'm hoping the problem is solved because Twitter security finally reset my account for me. I actually considered deleting my account because the spam and bogus messages were overwhelming. I lost a bunch of followers too. Oh well, it's all good, for now!
Tuesday's fortunes. |
Baby shower cupcakes that I did not eat! |
Ripped jeans on a blustery day. |
Friday's fortunes. (See how much I go to the Mandarin)? |
Goofing with the hubs. And looking real wrinkly. |
Goofing with the boy just before my run this morning. |
Things are slowly returning to normal at my house. Hubby has been sick since last weekend. He finally hauled his ass to the doctor yesterday and got antibiotics for his strep throat. Jules also had antibiotics for his Impetigo. The Impetigo has cleared up and he's just finishing up the medication. Hubby said that the week before last a kid was in the classroom with a rash and sores all over his face. Why oh why would they let that kid in school if he had such a bad rash. And call me over cautious, but if my kid has a strange rash anywhere, we go to the doctor tout de suite. That's just the way we roll around here.