Saturday morning run. |
So my Saturday morning started out with a 6K run. I was dragging my heals getting out the door yet again, but I managed to finally work my way out by 9:45 am. As always, once I started running, it was all good. I finished up at a pretty decent pace and felt pretty good afterwards. After my run, I ate, showered and did my hair in a sock bun for the first time EVER. It was super easy and I think it looked pretty good.
Jules goofing around during morning coffee.
I wore a dress I got from Value Village for $5.99. The sock bun looked pretty decent for a first attempt. |
After lunch yesterday, we headed out to the Cactus Festival. Julien had fun and we got totally ripped off on the midway. Over 5 bucks per ride! Oh well. Julien had fun so that's all that matters.
There were waaaaay to many bumper cars here for this ride to be effective. I think Julien moved 5 feet the entire time. Can you spot him? |
On the ferris wheel. |
Being part of the magic show. He had a scarf pulled out of his ear. He claimed it tickled... |
Posing with his buddy Iron Man! |
After the cactus festival we returned home and I relaxed with Finn for a bit. After making dinner, I let my hair down and began the laundry. I thought my hair looked good after being in the sock bun all day and wished that hubby and I were going on a date instead.
My favorite person in the whole world. |
My favorite dog in the whole world. |
Getting ready to do laundry. |
Last night I started to get anxious about my long run this morning. I wasn't so anxious about the distance I was anxious about my toes cramping. And I wasn't anxious for nothing. I decided to wear my orthotics and mapped a 10K, 7K and 6K loop around my house. That way I'd be able to return home to change my shoes if need be. By 17K I could barely walk. My orthotics are not working for me. So frustrating. I also got a big blister on the end of the second toe of my left foot. And my right glute is sore. So by the end of my run, I was feeling a bit run down, but I was just glad to be DONE! I'm already super nervous about next Sunday's 26K. I don't think I'll wear the orthotics. My physio therapist is going to assess my running form on Thursday. Maybe I'll get some answers then.
This is what I fuel up with before a long run. I do not eat anything. Two or three scoops of this is enough. |
The deets on the above energy powder. I also eat energy gummies during the run. |
Took me longer than I expected but someone stopped me for directions. Really? You don't stop a runner for directions! And I had to tell her a half a dozen times how to get out of the Hammer. The whole time I'm thinking, "this is going to affect my pace". Well that and the walking I had to do to work out the cramps in my toes. |
My very sore blister. Sorry for the close up of my mangy toes... |
My recovery meal after my run. Left over sausage from yesterday, three eggs and an vine ripe tomato! |
I have been very remiss is mentioning how touched I was from all the comments I've gotten in regards to some of my posts over the past couple of weeks. It's no secret that I've been feeling a touch melancholy lately. August is always a tough month for me. It's my mother's birth and death month. Although I haven't said it nearly enough, I thank you all for your kind words of support. It truly does mean a lot to me and now that I'm on vacation for another two weeks, I hope to catch up on some blog reading. I've been lax in that department as well. I've been reading as much as I could, but not commenting as much as I'd like. I'm off to relax and get to bed early tonight. I'm just tired. Tomorrow's a rest day. So aside from some core/physio exercises, I'm just being. G'nite!