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My fortune from yesterday. Don't worry; prosperity will knock on your door soon. |
I just got back from instructing the first session of my 10K clinic. It was a great evening and we had a pretty large group. Fifteen people are registered with 13 participants who showed up tonight. There could be a few more registrants. Some people trickle in over the first few weeks. This is the biggest group of people I have ever instructed. Thank goodness I have Monica to assist me. It's hard to keep up with such a big group where everyone's running at different paces.
Tonight was a 4K run. I ran with the people up front, and Monica was holding up the rear. Then I had to fall back to check on the middle people, then catch up to the fast runners again, then fall back again. I got a good tempo run in tonight. I did my fastest 4K ever according to my Nike + Running app. No wonder since I had to sprint back up to the front once I checked on the middle and end people. We have a "no person left behind" policy in my clinics and Monica was way back with a lone runner. So managing twelve runners at different paces became challenging. I'll figure it out though. This clinic is not about pace, it's about endurance. I just need to get this group to 10K!
There were a few familiar faces in my clinic. People I've seen at other clinics. One person recognized me from the Steven and Chris Show. It was a touch awkward because I was caught off guard and didn't know what to say when she mentioned it. I handled it the only way I knew how. I thanked her for watching and changed the subject. I'm excited about instructing this clinic because it's been about five months since I taught my last Learn to Run clinic and I missed instructing. I'm really looking forward to getting to know this group of people.
The weather is crazy! I was up this morning at 5:30 to get a run in, and it was 3C out. When I walked the Boy to school, it was about 5C and he wore a spring jacket, a hat and gloves. By noon it was in the mid-teens. When I was driving home it was in the mid twenties, and for our run tonight, it was 27C. I was sweating like a fiend! I really need some spring/summer running gear stat! Although, I think today was a total fluke and it will return to seasonal or below seasonal by tomorrow. The overnight low is supposed to be 15C. I'm opening my windows.
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My dinner last night. Pork medallions, cumin carrots, garlic and lemon rapini. And I had a glass of red wine while I cooked! |
The Paleo diet is going well. I failed to explain what it is to those who don't know what the plan consists of so here it is in a nutshell. Lean meat, seafood, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, oils from plants and fish, tea, coffee, water, red wine! There are different variations that are more strict (ie: no starchy tubers, alcohol or coffee), but I'm gonna eat sweet potato, drink coffee and red wine. Shoot me! Basically, if you can eat it raw, it's Paleo. I would strongly caution against eating meat, seafood, fish (unless it's sashimi) and eggs raw. There's no dairy, no grains (corn), no refined sugars, no legumes (beans, peas, peanuts), no processed meats, no artificial sweeteners. I'm still having natural peanut butter, and cream in my coffee. So I would say I'm committing to a 90% Paleo diet. Can't give hubby a percentage. He's failing fast. I found a Tim Horton's bag in his car today which means he had some sort of baked good. If you're interested, here's the link to the website of Dr. Cordain. He's written several books on the Paleo diet and is cited as the "founder" of the Paleo diet.
I guess with the warmer weather coming, I'm going to have to head back to Reitmans and get some spring/summer clothes. I'm still drawn to Value Village. I love finding brand name stuff in great shape for really cheap! It's an addiction, like running, but detrimental to my wallet. Even though the clothes are inexpensive, if I go there too much, it can become a problem. I love finding blazers/jackets. I have a lot but refuse to give any up. Maybe prosperity will knock on my door soon and I'll be able to quit my job and spend my days frequenting every Value Village I can find. I could open a second hand/consignment store and call it "Love me Two Times". I may not make any money, but man that would be awesomely fun! I just need to win the lottery now. I'll get right on that by starting to play the lottery. With my fortune from yesterday in hand, this cockamamie plan is bound to work!
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My "mostly" Value Village outfit. Blazer, burgundy shirt, belt and boots all VV. Jeans and necklace, Reitmans. The VV items cost $30, Reitmans items cost $70. |