I ate okay yesterday, but was in desperate need to grocery shop. Pickings were slim for lunch and I had to give all the protein deliciousness that we had to my hubby. He did his long run (the bastard) and needed recovery food. So I caved and ate a grape fruit in lieu of more protein. I'm trying to steer clear of fruit right now, but I don't feel guilty. I remedied the situation today. I went shopping this afternoon at Walmart. I got to ride one of those electric scooter/grocery carts. Awesome! It got old really quick. I did spent $110.00 on wholesome deliciousness. Lots of veggies! Hubby got stuff he wanted too (ie: mixed nuts, banana chips, raisins). BASTARD! I'm not going near my pantry till that shit is done! I'm keeping my eye on the prize people. I will weight less when this whole ordeal is over!
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My eats from today. Didn't bounce around as much today. I find that when I'm only on one foot for a long time, My toes go numb on my good foot. Next they'll start to cramp. Reminders of running. |
Today I made an appointment to see my physiotherapist tomorrow. I wrecked up my back and neck when I fell. He can do some work there, but I also want them to show me the best floor exercises that I can do to strengthen my glutes, hamstrings, quads, abdomen and lower back. I have a few exercise for these already, but the majority are standing up versions because I was mobile when they gave them to me. I'm also going to keep my massage appointment. My neck can be stripped which may help with the stiffness. And I could really use an upper back massage too. I won't have to put my wrecked face in the massage table hole, I never do anyway. Marc gives me a pillow so I can put my face to the side and I won't smudge my mascara.
A couple of weeks ago my girlfriend Karen came over. I hadn't seen her for a while and we needed to catch up. She hadn't seen my makeover on the Steven and Chris Show. So I watched it with her. I hadn't watched the episode since April when I showed it to my dad. Anyway, Karen commented that I'd lost more weight since then. The truth is, I have not. My weight is the same give or take a couple pounds. I definitely look different though. My face shape has changed and I was wearing size 11 Reitman's pants in that segment. I now wear a Reitman's size 7. My point is that with proper eating and exercise, body composition continues to change without the scale moving.
I struggled a few times over the past 9 months to drop more pounds. It seemed that it didn't matter how restrictive I made my diet, the scale wouldn't budge. But my body still changed. According to BMI (body mass index) charts, I still fall in the "over-weight" category. My BMI is 26. I won't be a "healthy" BMI until I weigh 158 pounds. That's 8 pounds away. I don't believe in the BMI scale and that's not why I want to drop another 10 pounds or so. When I'm able to run again, I want to be the lightest I can be so that I can come back a stronger and faster runner. That's it. An interesting side note (to me), when I started my weight loss journey, I was considered "very severely obese" with a BMI of 47. So I don't feel so bad being labeled over-weight now. And just for the record, I think I'm healthy at the weight I am now.
I have no unhealthy thoughts or notions about my body, or my size. This is just my time to switch my focus from running to weight-loss because I finally can. When I'm training, I can't lose weight. I have to eat enough to fuel my body for my runs. I'm on a training hiatus right now. I figure that I might as well use my time constructively. That, and I refuse to gain any weight over the next 6 weeks. I may not be mobile, but I will not use that as an excuse to get sloppy with my eating. Right now I have to be very careful with my food intake. When I run my next half marathon (Chilly Half @ the beginning of March 2014), and the Around the Bay 30K (hubby and I are going to run the whole distance together) at the end of March 2014, I'm gonna be in the best shape ever. So much to look forward to. I can't wait!
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Size 11 pants on left, size 7 pants on the right. Really, really too much make up! |