So the last time I was at Dr. Pitt's office, we looked through my chart to see if I could piece together my weight history. So it turns out that I was over 300 pounds (not counting pregnancy) three times. Not once like I had initially claimed. Funny how we forget so easily what we don't want to remember. I weighed 310 when I was 24, 303 when I was 27 (right before going on Dr. Bernstein's diet), and 307 in the summer of 2004. When I got back from Williamsburg in the summer of 2011 and I went to see Dr. Pitt to get the referrals for bariatric surgery and Dr. Poon, and to get on
Xenical (again), I weighed 297. When I started Dr. Poon on September 16, 2011 I weighed 285.6. I lost almost 12 pounds in 6 weeks from the Xenical. And just in case you're wondering, Xenical is not an effective way to lose weight long term. At least it wasn't for me. I took Xenical off and on since it was available for purchase in Canada. I'd lose 30 pounds, then gain it right back. So I guess I count 310 as being my highest weight recorded (wouldn't surprise me if it was higher at times, I avoided the scale A LOT), and 297 as my beginning weight for my most recent weight loss. It was interesting to see the numbers. And looking back, I can't believe that I actually got as big I did. It seems like such a distant memory now.
My husband asked me something interesting over coffee this morning. He wondered why I didn't talk to him sooner about getting serious about my health. I know I wasted a lot of my life being obese. And I guess that before Julien came along, I just accepted it. I mean, he did too. He married me when I weighed 283. I know exactly how much I weighed on my wedding day. I was all excited because I lost weight the week prior due to stress. Anyhow, the only answer I could give him was that I accepted for myself that I was destine to be morbidly obese and full of health problems. But I could not accept that for Julien. That is when the switch went on and I knew I had to make a change. It was easier to avoid when he was an infant and before he was verbal. Once he could talk and was this little person with questions, I couldn't avoid any more. He doesn't remember me morbidly obese. Only in pictures, but not in his memories. Last summer is where his memories begin and I had already lost 100 pounds by that time. For that I am thankful.
Last week I did not run with Julien at all. We had a heat wave in Southern Ontario, actually it went much further than just Southern Ontario. And of course that heat wave ended with the big storm Friday that knocked out our power for a couple of days. So tonight we headed out for Julien's 4th practice run. He did awesome and we had fun telling jokes and stories. He was happy because Daddy and Finn joined us. We ran 1.6K to the park where he got to play for a bit before heading home for stories and bed. If he asks, I'll go again tomorrow. It was a great night for a run.
I am overwhelmed and so touched by the outpouring of emails/Facebook messages I'm getting from people congratulating me on my weight loss and asking me for guidance and inspiration. I am answering them all, and I want to really answer them, not just give a one line response. These people took the time to write me, I'm going to answer their questions. If you have sent me a message and I haven't responded yet and you are reading this, I will need another day. Just when I got all caught up, I got a whole new bunch in my inbox today. Thank you all for taking the time to write me, I'm answering everyone tomorrow:)
I leave you with my day in pictures!
After my 6K steady this morning. |
Smitty during morning coffee. |
What I wore today. I'm wondering what to do with the hair. Cut or grow? |
Silly face after our family run tonight. |
My eats for the past 2 days. |
Sausage ratatouille. I know sausage is not Paleo. It was left over from a BBQ I had on Sunday and I don't waste food. |
Salmon cakes and sauteed cabbage. |