One of the few memories I have of my birth mother. Taken April 2010. |
- I had a good cry today. It was one year ago that I lost my birth mother. Our relationship was a short one. Only 30 months. But it was an important relationship for me. We were just getting to know each other when she was taken away. I blogged about this a year ago. You can read that post here. Thinking of her inevitably makes me think of the mother (who raised me) and who I lost over 10 years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think about both of these amazing women. Both played an important role in my life, just at different times. Miss you and wish you were here. You are always in my heart.
- Wow! I just read my post from a year ago and it made me cry all over again.
- Julien is super excited about Halloween tonight. He's dressed up as Luigi (from Super Mario Brothers). He was Mario last year. I found his costume at Value Village for $5, sans the hat. Wasn't sure what to do about the hat. So I had an "a-ha" moment in the car on Tuesday. I took one of my hubby's old hats, covered it in kelly green felt (with a glue gun), pasted a white felt "L" to the front and voila! A costume that cost me $7. The gloves were left overs from Mario's costume last year.
- I'm hoping and praying the inclement weather we are expected holds off until Trick or Treat time is over. I have A LOT of candy I need to shell out! Would be very bad for hubby if it doesn't get given away. He has no will power.
- I'm roasting a chicken right now and having sauteed broccoli with red peppers and onions for a side. That is all.
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Just in case you were wondering, and I know you were, this is what I look like when I'm getting stripped. |
- Yesterday I had my calves and my neck stripped by my massage therapist. The calves hurt like a mother effer, and my massage therapist commented that he was glad that I found Jesus. The neck was not nearly as bad but if my eyes were not open in the above (right) picture, I would have looked like I was dead.
- I also went to physio last night and Graham told me that I was VERY close to running again. Honest to God I wanted to kiss him full on the lips. But that would have been wrong on so many levels. He's very young, he's in a committed relationship, I'm married...and HELLO? He's my physio therapist. So I abstained. But I did do a happy dance in front of him.
- I went to see Ron today. He's the assistant manager at the Running Room. We shot the shit for about 20 minutes. We chatted about my comeback to running and he suggested, and I agreed, that I'm going to follow the Learn to Run program for a couple of weeks before I head into 1/2 marathon training. Thanks for the suggestion Ron!
- I contemplated registering for the Chilly 1/2 Marathon again this year. It was my 1st half marathon. I decided not to. For several reasons, but financial was the main one. Instead I'm going to volunteer at that race. It is a nostalgic run for me and I want to participate any way I can.
- I have been eating on plan over the past couple of weeks. I have not posted my food journal because in my opinion, it's super boring and super repetitive. I just eat the exact same things every single day. I know that can't be very inspirational, but it's the truth. I need a sound whipping. I swear I'm not a masochist.
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Cheap gas!!!!! I think I did pretty damn good with that Luigi hat! |
- Heather was kind enough to give me some
pornliterature suggestions. I have read them all. Just for the record, I also enjoyed all books written by Rachel Gibson. I'm not just stuck in historical romance. - Yesterday I met a new client who lives in Brantford. This is very exciting for me. Not only is it only 35 minutes from Hamilton, but it also means cheap gas! I am a hop, skip and a jump away from the Grand River First Nation. I paid 96 cents per liter for gas yesterday. I would have paid $1.23 for it anywhere else. The perks of having a gas card!
- I had a meeting at another work location this morning. I saw the woman who covered my maternity leave. She made no indication of recognizing me. Even when I addressed her. My colleague called her back and said, "do you know my colleague?" to which she answered that she did not. Once I started really talking to her, she finally recognized who I was and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen you. You look great!". Always nice to hear.
- I also saw my former supervisor from when I used to work in residence. He smiled at me, but I could tell from the vacant look in his eyes, he did not know who I was.
- Happy Halloween everyone! It's raining right now. Guess hubby's going to get wet!