So you are all in for a treat today. I am using bullets again. I'm not gonna lie, I like the bullet form. Easier way to express myself for sure. Call me lazy. It's true, I am. I am going to attempt to use no less than 20 bullets to recall my last two days. Lucky you!

- My son is a genius. He got the academic excellence award for September. Yup, pure genius. Now if I can only get him to remember to pick up the toilet seat before he has a tinkle, my life would be complete.
- Julien also lost his second front tooth this evening. He was super excited and will be extremely disappointed tomorrow when the tooth fairy does not show up. She had no way of predicting that tonight would be the night and she has no loose change laying about. Damn Rise of the Guardians for cementing his belief in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. He didn't even know who the Sandman and Jack Frost were before but now fully believes in them too. Ah to be five going on six again!
- I was completely remiss in my last post about mentioning that my running mentor Carol was in Berlin and had run the Berlin Marathon Sunday morning. Congratulations Carol on your millionth marathon. Okay it's not a million, but it's pretty damn close. She's run a lot!
- That same morning saw Wilson Kipsang set a new marathon world record. He completed the Berlin Marathon in 2:03:23. That is INSANE! As a runner it is awe-inspiring to know that you ran in the same race as a world record holder...or an Olympian. Carol must be thrilled!
- Yesterday I needed to do something to lift my spirits. I indulged in some retail therapy and got my bangs trimmed. Made me feel a whole lot better. I spent a total of $20 on myself yesterday and managed to get $145.00 worth of clothes and accessories. I used my Reitman's gift card and got some great deals on some tops (for layering) at Old Navy.
The Reitman's stuff (top left, left) totaled $129. The Old Navy stuff (top left, right)
totaled $14.00. The Motorcycle boots on the bottom left were $15.00 (on clearance).
A better look at my riding boots from Reitman's on the right. |
- I bought the riding boots at Reitman's and the motorcycle boots I got at Walmart for $15.00. They are actually men's boots, but are cool none the less. This is when it pays to have boats as feet. Two days of shopping totaled $30.00 for me. $35 if you count the bang trim.
- When I first broke my ankle, I was acting all stoic like. I made it seem like missing the marathon was no big deal. There will be other marathons. The truth is that it really killed me inside. I had been training for over two months to get ready for the marathon and it was two months of pushing myself beyond my limits. Two months of running through my foot pain, back spasms and muscle pain. And for it to all suddenly come to a stop and be for naught was a hard pill to swallow. Yes there will be other marathons, but I wanted this one right now. Call me a suck, call me a whiner, tell me I have lots to be thankful for. All of that is true. But I need to mourn the hard work and pain I've put into the last few months. Let me be a whiny bitch when I need to. I need to release the frustration, anger and sadness I feel so I can move on. This is not directed to anyone in particular, except maybe me.
- I bought a shit load of carrots, beets and onions this week. Fortinos had great sales on in season veggies and I got 10 pound bags of each. I am going to be making this beet salad recipe and this carrot soup recipe.
- I do not offer diet advice (unless you ask). And even then it is really basic and general. Who am I to judge or question someone else's eating habits? Even if I don't agree with what you're eating, I would never question it. I was not the best eater for the majority of my life. But I know that if someone commented on what I was doing, it would not have been helpful, and would have likely hindered me. I am not the diet police, nor do I like to be questioned about my food choices. Just ask my husband. If I was going to judge someone, I'd tell him what a bad Paleoist he is :) Kidding!!!!!! But seriously, he really is...
- I had to buy flea remedy for my cats today. Then when I applied it to my smaller cat Baby, she acted like I was skinning her alive. I mean for the love of Pete, I couldn't stand watching her scratch herself into a giant scab any longer. She finally reached a truce with me four hours later when she allowed me to get close enough to her to feed her some cat treats. When I applied the treatment to my bigger cat Smitty? Nothing. She gave no indication of recognizing that I was actually applying something to her fur. Go figure. No wonder Smitty is my favorite pet. Kidding!!!!!! I don't have a favorite. But seriously, if I did it would be Smitty...
Smitty getting the love she deserves. The bangs are back baby!
Hubby and I on our way to get groceries this afternoon. I just got those
sunglasses at Reitman's for $3.50 on clearance (free for me though b/c I used
the gift card - thanks again Steven and Chris)! |
- My sister-in-law is an angel. She texted me today to ask me how much I pay for Moroccan Oil. Since I use the fake Garnier brand and got it on sale for 1/2 price last year (I cleared the shelf at Shopper's Drug Mart), I'm all stocked up for a few more months. I know that there is a salon brand of Moroccan Oil, but it is hugely expensive, so I don't buy it. I also know it is a better product but way too rich for this gal at $40 per bottle. My sister-in-law told me that she can get it for $15 a bottle. I don't know how she can swing this deal and frankly I don't care. She's gonna bring me a couple of bottles when I see her on Thanksgiving. See? An angel.
- I have decided to embrace my face divot and call it a dimple. I figure that since we're going to be together for the rest of my life, I need to move on from anger to acceptance. Maybe one day I can look back on it fondly and be like, "Remember when I broke my ankle and plowed into the pavement with my face and fractured my cheek"? Yeah, maybe not.
- I bought two GIANT heads of cabbage today from Fortinos for $1.29 each. They are truly giant. Ginormous even. It's gonna be a stinky time at the Costa residence in the upcoming week. I would not be planning on coming out this way if I were you. I'd even stay out of Hamilton just to be safe.
- I'm very excited. I'm going to purchase two utility turkeys tomorrow. I'm roasting one on Thursday and we're gonna eat it until we're sick. Ok, maybe not, but I'm getting my fill of turkey. I love the fall for the veggies, the weather, the clothes, the colors and the turkey.
- I've been a little addicted to watching Masterpiece Theater recently. On Netflix as well as other free movie watching websites. Love me some period dramas. And I truly have nothing else going on.
My eats from the past two days. |
- I have still been eating clean. I have been following the Paleo template but with limited fruit, and no nuts. I have not been limiting my portion sizes and if I expect to lose weight, I will have to look at that. And cut back on the types of veggies I have been eating (ie: carrots, squash, tomatoes). I have resigned myself to the fact that I don't expect to lose weight.
- I've lost two pounds since breaking my ankle. When it first happened, I was determined I was going to use this time constructively. It's hard to get your head around stuff when you're not in a great place. I'm giving myself a pass. Call me full of shit. I am. But I need to give myself a pat on the back for not gaining weight while being house bound, bored out of my skull and sedentary.
- When I broke my ankle, the first thought that went through my head was that I was going to gain a ton of weight. I didn't have enough faith in myself to realize that I had the tools to maintain without running. Running definitely lets me indulge in the foods I love (ie: fruit, root veggies, nuts, red wine), but I put too much importance on running in my life. It is super important to me and I can't wait to get back to it, but I know now that I can maintain weight loss without running. I can't maintain my sanity though.
- I have become a bit of a sweater whore. I have been perusing Pinterest for sweaters like nobody's business. I have a Dream Closet board that I pin to. One day I will have a dream closet. Right now I'm trying to shove everything into a tiny wardrobe. It's not really working for me and I have a spare room I should really turn into my dream closet. I have a feeling hubby would have something to say about that.
- One week from today I will be back at the fracture clinic getting my x-ray. And hopefully the boot will be gone for good.
- I can't believe my baby is turning 6 in ten days. That is crazy! Where has the time gone?