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- Graham popped my ankle at physio on Tuesday night. He wasn't supposed to, but while he was putting pressure on it, it just popped on it's own. HUGE difference in my range of motion. So now I have new exercises to do because the ankle popped. It's all good. I can definitely feel that it's not as stiff. Still grosses me out that he'll get so close to my feet...or anyone's feet for that matter. I hate feet.
- My lovely colleague Adriana asked me about Half Salt today. She wanted to know what it is and if I still use it. Well Adriana, half salt is a salt and potassium chloride mixture. It contains 50% less sodium than regular salt. I used it while I was losing weight and following Dr. Poon's Metabolic Diet. I do not use half salt anymore. That is because I use sea salt as any good Paleoist would. I'm jiving you. You're not a bad Paleoist if you don't use sea salt. And I'm sure that Paleoist isn't even a word. I just made it up.
- Today I headed on over to the Huffington Post to see if there were any comments left on the article that was written about me. There were four. There are 8 now because I responded to them all. That is a tough crowd over there! The first comment was short and sweet. I know who left it. The next comment said that I still look fat. Now that was a huge blow to my already fragile self esteem. Whatever. The 3rd comment wanted to know why they didn't write a story about how I gained 145 pounds in the first place. Then the same person left another comment which I'm not sure how to take. Am I flattered? I think so. The comment was, and I quote "look like she invested in some fake hair extensions in the past year too". OMG! My hair looks that good that they figure it has to be fake? LOVE it! Now if they knew anything about me, they would know that I am super
cheapfrugal. I would sooner cut off my neighbor's beautiful locks in her sleep than pay for someone's hair to attach to my head. Sheesh! Thanks for the compliment though;) - I completely forgot how much I loved the Moist song "Breathe". It's from 1999 and it was on the compilation CD, Big Shiny Tunes 4 which was put out by Much Music. I also forgot that I used to have a crush on David Usher. So I Googled him. He has aged very well. Still looking good David!
- Yesterday was a pot-luck lunch at work. It consisted of a bunch of international dishes. I definitely did not eat 100% Paleo. I had some meat dishes and I'm not sure what the sauces were that they were cooked in. I also ate this beet and herring salad. Sounds gross and looked even grosser, but was surprisingly yummy. I think there were eggs in there too. Needless to say, my stomach didn't feel stellar at the end of lunch. I'm sure I ate dairy.
- I also ate a plastic fork tine. Funny thing was, I knew I bit it off and instead if spitting it out, I just swallowed it. Why? I'm not sure. I'm definitely going to have chalk up the pot luck lunch as a cheat meal. I'm positive that plastic fork tines are not Paleo.
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Top left: Bun less burger and sweet potato fries from the Pickle Barrel Bottom left: My lunch from today, left over spaghetti squash Bolognese Right: My client's strawberry cheesecake birthday sundae |
- Today I worked late. I didn't leave the office until after 7:15 pm. I would have left earlier, but my boss and I were discussing the possibility of opening a Paleo restaurant. Now don't ask me where we would get the funds to do this, it's along the same lines as the tour bus/yacht idea. But I think it would be seriously successful. Not only would you attract all the Paleoists and Primalists, but the Celiacs would come a running too. If it's Paleo, it's gluten free. We also decided that it would be a matchmaker business as well. We both felt very strongly that we should aid lonely Paleoists, Primalists and Celiacs in finding true love. Don't ask how that part of the conversation came up. I'm still trying to figure that out myself.
- I was in the office yesterday and today. L-o-n-g days for me. I made banana bread to bring in for team meeting yesterday. So all day, it sat behind me on the snack table that is located right behind my work pod. It actually didn't bother me in the least. Now if there were nuts there? I definitely wouldn't be able to control myself. I'm a lover of nuts. I love nuts of all kind (I'm going to stop that now). Funny how times have changed. There was a time where I wouldn't have given nuts a second thought but I would have eaten all the banana bread and two-bite brownies (which were also there) all by myself and in record time. Possibly even taking them to the bathroom so I could eat them in private. Man I was a hot mess!
- While I was walking down Yonge Street yesterday, some dude said that I had a nice piece of ass. Now again, one of those comments that I'm not sure if I'm flattered or offended. It left me wondering what piece of it was nice. And why just a piece of it? Why not the entire ass? I was wearing the jeans that my girlfriend Elin says my bum looks good in. I didn't say anything in response, but almost said "thank you", just out of habit.
- On Tuesday I had an x-ray on my foot for the issue with my crampy toes. I had to wait about an hour so I brought my e-reader and started reading a new book that I thought was just one of my regular smut books. Smutty, but not too smutty. Turns out, it was too smutty. I got uncomfortable reading it in the crowded waiting room but couldn't stop. Thank goodness it was an e-reader and no one knew what I was reading (except that they may have guessed from my heavy breathing and flushed face).
- I am almost officially done with Reitmans. I have $3 left on my gift card. I bought two sweaters on Tuesday. I can still get a pair of earrings on clearance. Feels good because I was obsessing over the last bit of money left on the card. I am strange that way. We have come a long way, that gift card and I. I had it for 9 months. I'm feeling a little nostalgic right now and can hear "Memory" from Cats in my head.
- Although I curse the cold every morning, I also love it because I get to wear my leather coats/jackets again. Love my leathers. And just in case you're new here, I bought 2 leather coats and 2 leather jackets last year from Value Village for under $100 bucks in total. Two of them were in brand new condition too. See? Frugal!
- I'm off to bed. My contacts are drying out and I can't see the computer screen clearly anymore. I'm also at a crucial part in my book. I need to go read before I nod off to sleep. Big weekend ahead. It's my hubby's first half marathon on Sunday! Good night beautiful people!